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Refereed Publications: 27. Broderick, A.E. & Blandford, R.D., 2010, ApJ (submitted) 26. Fish, V.L., Doeleman, S.S., Broderick, A.E., Loeb, A. & Rogers, A.E.E., 2009, ApJ, 706, 1353 25. Broderick, A.E. & Loeb, A., 2009, ApJ, 703, 104L 24. Broderick, A.E., Loeb, A. & Narayan, R., 2009, ApJ, 701, 1357 23. Broderick, A.E. & Loeb, A., 2009, ApJ, 697, 1164 22. Broderick, A.E., Fish, V.L., Doeleman, S.S. & Loeb, A., 2009, ApJ, 697, 45 21. Doeleman, S.S., Fish, V.L., Broderick, A.E., Loeb, A. & Rogers, A.E.E., 2009, ApJ, 695, 59 20. Fish, V.L., Broderick, A.E., Doeleman, S.S. & Loeb, A., 2008, ApJ, 692, 14L 19. Broderick, A.E., Narayan, R., Keto, E. & Lada, C.J., 2008, ApJ, 682, 1095 18. Reid, Mark J., Broderick, A.E., Loeb, A., Honma, M. & Brunthaler, A., 2008, ApJ, 682, 1041 17. Broderick, A.E. & Narayan, R., 2007, MNRAS, 383, 943 16. Broderick, A.E., Keto, E., Lada, C.J. & Narayan, R., 2007, ApJ, 671, 1832 15. Broderick, A.E. & Narayan, R., 2007, Classical & Quantum Gravity, 24, 659 14. Keto, E., Broderick, A.E., Lada, C.J., Narayan, R., 2006, ApJ, 652, 1366 13. Broderick, A.E. & Rathore, Y., 2006, MNRAS, 372, 923 12. Broderick, A.E. & Loeb, A., 2006, MNRAS, 367, 905 11. Broderick, A.E., 2006, MNRAS, 366, L10 10. Broderick, A.E. & Narayan, R., 2006, ApJ, 638, 21L 9. Broderick, A.E. & Loeb, A., 2006, ApJ, 636, 109L 8. Broderick, A.E. & Loeb, A., 2005, MNRAS, 363, 353 7. Broderick, A.E., 2005, MNRAS, 361, 955 6. Rathore, Y., Blandford, R. D. & Broderick, A.E., 2005, MNRAS, 357, 834 5. Broderick, A. & Blandford, R., 2004, MNRAS, 349, 994 4. Broderick, A. & Blandford, R., 2003, MNRAS, 342, 1280 3. Rathore, Y., Broderick, A.E. & Blandford, R., 2003, MNRAS, 339, 25 2. Broderick, A.E., Prakash, M. & Lattimer, J.M., 2002, PhLB, 531, 167 1. Broderick, A., Prakash, M. & Lattimer, J.M., 2000, ApJ, 537, 351
Posters & Proceedings: 9. Broderick, A.E., 2009, Imaging Black Hole Horizons, CASCA 2009 (Toronto) 8. Fish, V.L., Doeleman, S.S., Broderick, A.E., Loeb, A. & Rogers, AE.E., 2008, Detecting Flaring Structures in Sagittarius a* with (Sub)Millimeter VLBI, XXIX URSI General Assembly (Chicago) 7. Broderick, A.E., McKinney, J. & Morales, M., 2006, Supernovae in Compact Binaries: A new GRB mechanism, XXIII Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics (Melbourne, Australia) 6. Broderick, A.E. & Loeb, A., 2006, Testing General Relativity with High-Resolution Imaging of Sgr A*, From the Center of the Milky Way to Nearby Low-Luminosity Galactic Nuclei, Journal of Physics: Conference Series ed. R. Schodel, G.C. Bower, M.P. Muno, S. Nayakshin & T. Ott (Philadelphia: Institute of Physics Publishing) 5. Broderick, A. & Blandford, R., 2003, General Relativistic Magnetoionic Theory, Circular Polarisation From Relativistic Jet Sources, Astrophysics & Space Science ed. R.P. Fender & J.-P. Macquart (Dorect: Kluwer Academic Publishers) 4. Broderick, A. & Blandford, R., 2002, General Relativistic Magnetoionic Theory, ITP Conference on Black Holes: Theory Confronts Reality, Three Years Later (UC Santa Barbara) 3. Blandford, R.D., Agol, E., Broderick, A., Heyl, J., Koopmans, L. & Lee, H.-W., 2001, Compact Objects and Accretion Disks, Astrophysical Spectropolarimetry ed. J. Trujillo-Bueno, F. Moreno-Insertis, F. Sanchez (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) 2. Broderick, A. & Blandford, R.D., 2000, Propagation of Plasma Modes Around a Kerr Black Hole, AAS Meeting 197 1. Dioszegi, I., Broderick, A., Buda, A., Morton, C.R., Paul, P., Shaw, N.P., Velkovska, J., Ziskin, V., Beene, J.R., Gan, N., Halbert, M.L., Stracener, D.W., Varner, R.L., Thoennessen, M., 1998, Dynamical fission times in hot 240Cf from dipole gamma-rays emitted during the saddle-to-scission decay, APS Meeting
Talks: 32. Staring into the Abyss: Imaging Black Hole Horizons, Special SAO Colloquium (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), March 8, 2010 31. Staring into the Abyss: Imaging Black Hole Horizons, Astro Seminar (NYU), February 26, 2010 30. Imaging Black Hole Horizons, Formation and Evolution of Black Holes, 2010 Winter Conference on Astrophysics (Aspen Center for Physics), February 16, 2010 29. Nature of the black hole at the center of the Milky Way, Probing strong-field gravity with observations of the galactic center black hole, APS Invited Session (Washington D.C.), February 13, 2010 28. Staring into the Abyss: Imaging Black Hole Horizons, Joint Astrophysics Colloquium (McGill University), February 2, 2010 27. To the Edge and Back: Directly Imaging Black Hole Event Horizons, Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, October 28, 2009 26. Staring into the Abyss: Directly Imaging Black Hole Event Horizons, Physics Colloquium (University of Guelph), October 13, 2009 25. Imaging Nearby Black Holes: Providing a window on accretion, jet formation and general relativity, Astronomy Colloquium (Columbia University), April 8, 2009 24. Directly Imaging the Horizons of Black Holes, Astrophysics Colloquium (MIT), January 29, 2009 23. A New Window on Jet Formation: Millimeter & Submillimeter VLBI, 213th AAS Meeting (Long Beach), January 6, 2009 22. The Nature of Sagittarius A*, Getting to the Event Horizon, AAS Special Session (Long Beach), January 5, 2009 21. Imaging Black Hole Horizons, Special Colloquium (Northwestern), November 20, 2008 20. Imaging Horizons, Astrophysics with Radio and Gravitational-Wave Observatories (Charlottesville), November 8, 2008 19. On the Horizon: Imaging Nearby Black Holes, ACKS Seminar (Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology, Stanford), August 14, 2008 18. On the Horizon: Imaging Nearby Black Holes, INPP+API Seminar (Ohio University), May 13 2008 17. At the horizon: Imaging black holes and testing general relativity, Astronomy Colloquium (University of Illinois), February 15, 2008 16. At the horizon: Imaging black holes and testing general relativity, Astronomy Colloquium (University of Chicago), February 13, 2008 15. Testing the Kerr Metric: Confronting Strong Field Relativity with Observations, Physics Colloquium (Georgia Tech), March 26, 2007 14. Imaging the Central Black Hole in the Milky Way, Rethinking Gravity: From the Planck scale to the size of the Universe (Arizona), January 22, 2007 13. Microarcsecond imaging of Sgr A*: A way to test the Kerr metric, Special Theoretical Astrophysics Seminar (Northwestern), January 18, 2007 12. Microarcsecond imaging of Sgr A*: A way to test the Kerr metric, CITA Seminar (CITA), January 16, 2007 11. Testing the Kerr Metric with Micro-Arcsecond Imaging of Sgr A*, XXIII Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics (Melbourne), December 11-15, 2006 10. Microarcsecond Imaging of Sgr A* and Testing General Relativity, RAL Seminar (UC Berkeley), October 16, 2006 9. Radio Imaging of Sgr A*, New Results on the Galactic Centre (XXVI IAU General Assembly, Prague), August 21, 2006 8. Testing General Relativity with Images of Sgr A*, The History of Nuclear Black Holes in Galaxies (Cambridge), May 15, 2006 7. Circular Polarisation for Tangled Magnetic Fields, Institute of Astronomy Seminar (Cambridge University), August 11, 2004 6. Polarization Effects Near Black Holes, X-ray Polarimetry Workshop (SLAC), February 9, 2004 5. Covariant Magnetoionic Theory (CP Production in BH Accretion Flows), TAC Seminar (UC Berkeley), January 28, 2004 4. Circular Polarization in Black Hole Accretion Flows (The Role of Refraction), AAS Meeting (Atlanta), January 7, 2004 3. Circular Polarization in Black Hole Accretion Flows (The Role of Refraction), 2. General Relativistic Magnetoionic Theory, Circular Polarisation from Relativistic Jet Sources (University of Amsterdam), July 19, 2002 1. General Relativistic Magnetoionic Theory and Low Luminosity AGN, Theoretical Astrophysics in Southern California (California Institute of Technology), October 26, 2001 |